PADI IDC at Anthias Divers with James Wilkinson

Hello all! We would like to invite you to join the PADI IDC at Anthias Divers in Sharm el Sheikh with James Wilkinson. Here at our PADI 5 star IDC centre located on the shores of the Red Sea you can realise your dream and become a PADI diving instructor. Learn in an ideal environment, with direct access to the sea and training areas, modern multi media classroom, comfortable study areas and dedicated centre staff. At Anthias Divers we have put a lot of effort into blending together the correct balance between all the aspects of education and enjoyment of diving to offer the best we can for our candidates.
PADI IDC Pool Session PADI IDC Classroom
So how does the course work?
The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is made up of two parts – the Assistant Instructor (AI) course runs for the first 6 days of the IDC and the Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) program that continues for another 4 days. Most dive professionals complete the entire IDC and go on to attend an Instructor Examination (IE), which is the final step to earn a PADI Instructor certification.
Our next IDC starts on 24th June!
To find out more details about our PADI IDC and other dates have a look at our go pro page here.
So why choose to do your IDC with James at Anthias Divers?
James is not only the PADI Course Director for Anthias Divers he is also the owner that has shaped the diving centre towards Professional diver training and his passion for diving and underwater conservation turning the diving centre into the only 100% AWARE Partner centre in the Sinai.
James’s passionate about his work and his dedication, professionalism and personal touch will make sure you pass your PADI Instructors Exam. However thats not all, he will make sure that you end up being a great PADI Instructor that has a brilliant teaching style with the knowledge to match so that you are prepared for the real world of working in the diving industry and are ready for the job.
PADI IDC Compass Workshop at Anthias Divers PADI IDC Liftbag workshop at Anthias Divers PADI IDC Open Water site at Anthias Divers PADI IDC Compass Workshop at Anthias Divers PADI IDC Sales Workshop at Anthias Divers
It will not be all work and study, there will be a whole loads of fun with social evenings, chatting to the other divers at the centre and seeing the workings of a busy diving operation.
At Anthias Divers we
offer you a free one-day of IDC preparation. During this you will meet the PADI
Course Director, our IDC Staff as well as completing any last paperwork.
We will review the five topics that you covered during your PADI Divemaster
course. These topics will be part of the Instructor Exams. As well as having a
little social time to get to know everyone.
As an extra bonus all candidates will also take the Dive Against Debris Speciality Instructor for FREE! We want to promote and do our part to help keep the reefs, seas and oceans of the world clear of rubbish, its something we are very passionate about.